General Contact Details

Foundation Address

ul. Karola Libelta 26/4
61-707 Poznań

Phone number: +48 61 855 25 10

Information on Personal Data Processing

Data controller

The Foundation Centre for Legal and Business Analyses, a foundation established and operating under Polish law, with its registered office at ul. Karola Libelta 26/4, 61-707 Poznań, entered in the Register of Associations, Other Social and Professional Organisations, Foundations and Independent Public Health Care Institutions of the National Court Register under the KRS number 0000994603.

Period of storage / processing of personal data

Data is processed for archiving purposes and for relationship management purposes until the end of the Foundation Centre for Legal and Business Analyses’ activities, with the exception of data of a sensitive nature (e.g. family situation, health status), which the Foundation Centre for Legal and Business Analyses deletes or anonymises as soon as the case is closed.

Purpose of processing and legal basis for processing

To handle correspondence, to respond to a question/application/request received by the Centre for Legal and Business Analysis, for purposes arising from the content of the communication in order to establish contact in the future, as well as for archiving purposes and for relationship management, which is the legitimate interest of the Centre for Legal and Business Analysis Foundation.

Obligation to provide data

The provision of data is voluntary, but is a condition for receiving a response.

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